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The Epic Battle for Temperature Control

Thermostat wars are being waged in households across the country. It’s an epic struggle of stealth, shouting matches and utility bill waving. The combatants come in all ages, sizes and genders, and the fight can rage for months—even years. But fear not, solutions are available that can help bring this fight of the Fahrenheit to an end, and zoning is one of them.

How Zoning Can Turn A Combat Zone Into A Comfort Zone

A zoning system divides your home into separate areas, known as a “zones,” and allows you to customize the air temperature in each zone. The system involves multiple thermostats which operate dampers within the ductwork of your forced-air system. The thermostats constantly read the temperature of their specific zone, then open or close the dampers according to the thermostat’s settings.

See How It Works

Perfect For Every Room And Everybody

Zoning is helpful for houses with inconsistent room temperatures and is also great for heating or cooling individual rooms based on their occupant’s specific temperature preferences. So everyone gets the comfort and room temperature control they want, and you get the conflict resolution you need.

A Good Idea For Your Home And Your Family

A zoning system not only helps to keep your family members happy and comfortable, but it can also be an ideal heating and cooling solution if you have:

  • Large windows in your home
  • A top floor that’s always warmer than the lowers floors
  • Uneven home temperatures
  • A house level that’s partially or completely underground
  • Rooms you seldom use
  • Rooms that constantly feel stuffy
  • A room that was added after your heating and cooling system was installed
  • A home office containing heat-producing electronic equipment
  • High heating and cooling bills
  • Noticeable hot or cold spots in your home

Extra Comfort And Additional Benefits

Energy efficient and effective, a zoning system offers comprehensive benefits that go well beyond simply heating and cooling your home. These benefits include:

  • Extra Comfort
  • Zoning meets the specific temperature and airflow requirements of one area, without affecting other areas.
  • Enhanced Efficiency
  • A properly designed energy efficient zoning system can save you hundreds of dollars in energy costs each year and can pay for itself in as few as two to five years. And, when used with a programmable thermostat, zoning can mean home energy savings of up to 35 percent.*
  • Precise Control
  • Zoning divides the home into different areas, and divides comfort into different levels, giving you more choices and control than ever before.
  • Quiet Performance
  • When integrated with variable-speed and/or two-stage HVAC systems, zoning allows your heating and cooling equipment to run at peak performance and efficiency. And lower speeds mean lower sound levels.

The Right Zoning System For You

If you’re looking for a permanent resolution to your thermostat wars,then an advanced Lennox© zoning system, such as an iHarmony© four zone system, could be exactly right for you.

Remote Zone Control

When you combine an iHarmony zoning system with an iComfort© S30 or iComfort© Wi-Fi thermostat, you can adjust the temperature in any zone remotely and conveniently from your smartphone, tablet or other web-enabled device.

Mini-Splits Offer Zoning Capabilities, Too

For add-on spaces like sunrooms, where installing or extending ductwork isn’t practical, a Lennox MPA Mini-Split heat pump offers an efficient and effective heating and cooling solution—with efficiency ratings of up to 23.50 SEER and 10.50 HSPF.

Peace, Harmony and Comfort

To learn more about how Lennox zoning systems and solutions, like the iHarmony and Mini-Splits, can bring all kinds of comforting possibilities to your home and your family, contact us today!

Contact Air One Heating and Cooling

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*Source: U.S. Department of Energy statistics

Reprinted from Lennox Comfort Matters